#format wiki #language en = MoinMoin Manintenance = * 202312 cleanup logs - 700MB {{{ cd /opt/share/moin/data cat event-log | gzip > event-log-20231323.gz : > event-log }}} * 201512 add some notes on maintaining a long running moinmoin site. * removing old pages {{{ moin --config-dir=/etc/moin --wiki-url=SITE.COM maint cleanpage > clean.sh sh clean.sh #copies unused and deleted to dir deleted rm -r deleted }}} * logging * /etc/moin/moin.wsgi:log.load_config('/etc/moin/logging_configuration_file') {{{ logfile=/tmp/moin.log }}} * /var/lib/moin/SITE/data contains a '''edit-log''' and '''event-log''' , the event-log can get really big. * Setup /etc/logrotate.d/moinmoin to keep the event-log under controll. * Added section to file {{{ "/var/lib/moinmoin/*/data/event-log" { monthly maxsize 10000000 rotate 12 compress delaycompress missingok notifempty dateext dateyesterday delaycompress postrotate service uwsgi restart endscript } }}} * 2018 uwsgi logging MemoryError for MoinMoin access * Restart uwsgi fixes problem temporarily * add to uwsgi config "max-requests" at 2000 to restart after this many requests served. * real cause was setting in uwsgi config "limit-as 256" killing it if memory more than 256, up to 300 ... ---- CategoryNetworkManagement