#format wiki #language en = linux docker notes = * 2021 - replaced single use container with [[podman]] * Links [[https://www.docker.com/blog/containers-are-not-vms/]] , [[docker/Dockerfile]] , [[docker-compose]] , [[https://blogs.oracle.com/developers/official-docker-image-for-oracle-java-and-the-openjdk-roadmap-for-containers|Docker&Oracle-java]] , [[Containers]] , [[Azure]] , [[https://medium.com/@betz.mark/ten-tips-for-debugging-docker-containers-cde4da841a1d]] , [[https://blog.docker.com/2014/06/why-you-dont-need-to-run-sshd-in-docker/|No ssh needed]] * [[https://itnext.io/shift-your-ci-scripts-to-docker-build-92453bca9f75|2019-Multi-Container-Docker-Build]] * [[https://learnk8s.io/blog/smaller-docker-images|2020 smaller docker images]] - alpine - google distroless == Docker login === === Azure cli === {{{ az acr login -n }}} === Azure ACR SP === * Azure ACR - Docker login with service principal * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-registry/container-registry-auth-service-principal {{{ #!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash ACR_NAME= SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME=acr-service-principal ACR_SUBSCRIPTION="" # ACR_REGISTRY_ID=$(az acr show --subscription $ACR_SUBSCRIPTION --name $ACR_NAME --query id --output tsv) SP_PASSWD=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name http://$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME --scopes $ACR_REGISTRY_ID --role acrpull --query password --output tsv) SP_APP_ID=$(az ad sp show --id http://$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME --query appId --output tsv) echo "Service principal ID: $SP_APP_ID" echo "Service principal password: $SP_PASSWD" echo "# docker login $ACR_NAME.azurecr.io -u $SP_APP_ID -p $SP_PASSWD" }}} * $ $ docker login .azurecr.io -u -p * Or directly using Microsoft credentials with $ az acr login --name * On Ubuntu * install docker * add user to docker group, logout and log in again {{{ adduser Me docker }}} * Flags * -t pseudo-TTY * -i --interactive * --name "!NameContainer" * --publish=[] format ip:hostPort:containerPort | ip::containerPort | hostPort:containerPort | containerPort * -e, --env=[] Set environment variables * --add-host=[] Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip) * --rm Automatically remove the container when it exits == Docker scratch/empty image == * Very small, usually used with go apps(self contained) * View content with docker save -o tar e.g. https://www.mgasch.com/post/scratch/ == Cleanup old docker images == * docker rmi $(docker images | grep "none" | awk '/ / { print $3 }') * docker search ubuntu:14.04 {{{ $ docker search ubuntu:14.04 }}} {{{ $ docker search --no-trunc --stars=1 etcd }}} * downloaded images {{{ docker images }}} * run interactively {{{ $ docker run -it ubuntu:14.04 }}} {{{ $ docker run -it -v ~/docker:/docker ubuntu:14.04 }}} {{{ $ docker run -it -v ~/docker:/docker -v /dev/log:/dev/log ubuntu:14.04 }}} * view running images and historic {{{ $ docker ps -a }}} * connect to a running docker attache to main terminal. (attach or exec new app) {{{ docker exec -it <> /bin/bash }}} * Find docker details e.g. ip {{{ docker inspect }}} * set default resolve.conf dns servers. * create/edit $ sudo gvim /etc/docker/daemon.json {{{ { "dns": ["", ""] } }}} * commit a new image 1. run and make changes. 2. exit 3. commit and save as new image {{{ $ docker commit -m "My Image Test01" -a "My Name" 37bf99224fce myimg01 sha256:4b439bc2347b744a405ae6a60862906442e461eddd33d0496dff322060fe837b }}} 4. run new image. $ docker run -it -v ~/docker:/docker myimg01 * re-run exited image. * docker start xxxxxx * docker exec xxxxxx /bin/bash * Get logs from container {{{ docker logs --tail=50 }}}