## page was renamed from linux/bash ##master-page:HomepageReadWritePageTemplate ##master-date:Unknown-Date #format wiki #language en = BASH scripting = * Links [[Python/OneLiners]] , [[Linux/zsh]], https://devhints.io/bash * Loop through list {{{ cl_iplist_FWext="Int1= brInt2= brInt3= brInt4=" for i in ${cl_iplist_FWext}; do fw_ip=${i##*=} fw_int=${i%%=*} }}} * Loop counter increase {{{ loopcount=$((loopcount+1)) }}} == Add ~/bin to path e.g. == * {{{ [[ ":$PATH:" == *":$HOME/bin:"* || ":$PATH:" == *":~/bin:"* ]] && echo "~/bin is in PATH" || echo "~/bin is not in PATH" }}} == Time/Date == * Calc seconds till REPORT_TIME="now" or REPORT_TIME="21h20" {{{ sleepseconds=$(( $(date +%s -d "$REPORT_TIME") - $( date +%s ) )) if [ "$sleepseconds" -lt "0" ]; then sleepseconds=$(( $(date +%s -d "tomorrow $REPORT_TIME") - $( date +%s ) )) fi }}} * Time in specific timezone {{{ $ echo "$(env TZ=UTC date -Is) / $(env TZ=Pacific/Auckland date -Is)" 2020-02-26T22:17:55+00:00 / 2020-02-27T11:17:55+13:00 env TZ="Pacific/Auckland" date +"%Y%m%d-%Hh%Mm%Ss%z" 20230124-14h05m20s+1300 }}} * Sleep with count down {{{ SleepCountdown() { sleepseconds=$1 reportsec=${2:-60} while [ $sleepseconds -gt 0 ]; do echo -ne " $((sleepseconds))s\033[0K\r" sleep $(( $sleepseconds < $reportsec ? $sleepseconds : $reportsec )) sleepseconds=$(($sleepseconds - $reportsec)) done echo -ne " \033[0K\r" } }}} * Function to print elapsed time in readable format {{{ time_start=$(date +%s) function ElapsedTime() { # Prints lapsed time in user readable format, uses $1 or time since $time_start time_elapsed=${1:-$(( $(date +%s) - time_start))} eval "echo Elapsed time: $(date -ud "@$time_elapsed" +'$((%s/3600/24)) days %H hr %M min %S sec') $2" } ## call ElapsedTime # or with seconds ElapsedTime 50000 }}} * ### MAC os version {{{ # time_start=$(date +%s) function ElapsedMinutes() { # Prints lapsed time in minutes, uses $1 can append $2 t=$( awk -v t="${1:-$(( $(date +%s) - ${time_start} ))}" -v m="${2:-}" 'BEGIN {printf("%.2f%s", t / 60.0, m )}' ) echo "$t" } # ElapsedMinutes # ElapsedMinutes $(( $(date +%s) - ${time_start} )) minutes }}} == pipe stdout and stderr to two different processes in shell script? == * From [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9112979/pipe-stdout-and-stderr-to-two-different-processes-in-shell-script/31151808#31151808]] * in bash {{{ command1 > >(command2) 2> >(command3) }}} * Posix {{{ { command 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- | stderr_command; } 3>&1 1>&2 | stdout_command }}} === Description of bash components used in script below. === `"$@"` * is all the command line parameters as a list `set -- "$@" "$1"` * adds the first command line parameter to end of list, making it one longer `shift` * shift's the command line parameters to the left, reducing them by one `$#` * Is the length or number of command lime parameters. * One way to use all of this, is where we want to loop through all the command line parameters, filtering some of changing them is some way. Here is an example that filters a specific parameter (e.g --values=xyz). It loops through all of them adding the ones we want to keep to the end and shifting left dropping the first one every-time. {{{ #!/bin/bash argc=$# j=0 while [ $j -lt $argc ]; do case "$1" in --values=?*) # do nothing remove this ;; *) set -- "$@" "$1" ;; esac shift j=$((j + 1)) done }}} == Bash arrays(list) associative arrays(maps/dict) == * https://www.baeldung.com/linux/bash-array * Indexed array eg. {{{ declare -a indexed_array=("Baeldung is" "so much" "cool") echo "Size of array:" ${#indexed_array[@]} echo "With quotes:" for element in "${indexed_array[@]}" do echo "["$element"]" done unset indexed_array[0] }}} * associative array e.g. {{{ declare -A associative_array=(["one"]="Baeldung" ["two"]="is" ["three"]="cool") for key in ${!associative_array[@]} do echo "["$key"]:["${associative_array[$key]}"]" done }}} == Print 100 blank lines == {{{ printf '\n%.s' {1..100} }}} ... ---- CategoryLinux