#format wiki #language en = MongoDB nosql notes = * [[MongoDb/Performance]] * [[MongoDb/AtlasCloudDb]] * [[MongoDb/Security]] - Vault * mongobackup + restore scripts [[MongoDb/MongoBackupRestore]] * https://hub.docker.com/r/mongoclient/mongoclient/ * $ docker run -it mongoclient/mongoclient * $ docker run -it mongo mongoexport --version == Login == * $ mongo --authenticationDatabase admin --username test --password mypass * > db test * > show dbs * > use 9spokes * > db.getCollection("") * > show collections * db.getCollection("config_data").find() == Backup/Export == * Use mongodump mongorestore for full bson that handles all mongo types. * To get json formatted data {{{ u= p= d= h- mongo --quiet "mongodb://$u:$p@$h/$d?authSource=admin" --eval "db.getCollectionNames().join('\n')" | \ grep -v system.indexes | \ xargs -L 1 -I {} mongoexport -u $u -p $p -h $h --db $d --authenticationDatabase admin --jsonArray --pretty --collection {} --out {}.json }}} == Basic mongo find and update examples == * > db.getCollection('widget_data').find({"obj_type":"summary", "obj_category":"Widget", "obj_origin":"sample"}).pretty() * patch/update {{{ db.widget_data.update( {"obj_type":"summary", "obj_category":"Widget", "obj_origin":"sample"}, {$set: { "data_sets" : [ { "rows" : [ { "col_1" : "Total", "col_2" : "10" }, { "col_1" : "Limit", "col_2" : "20" }, { "col_1" : "Max", "col_2" : "50" } ] } ] }} ) }}} == Replicaset == * View members {{{ mongo admin --host $ip -u root -p $pass -eval "rs.status()" }}} * Check if current server is the write {{{ mongo admin --host $ip -u root -p $pass --quiet --eval "db.isMaster()['ismaster']" }}} === Recover password === * stop the mongod service * edit /etc/mongod.conf {{{ :PRIMARY> use admin :PRIMARY> db.createUser({user:"root",pwd:"mongopwd",roles:[{role:"root",db:"admin"}]}); :PRIMARY> db.changeUserPassword("root","mongopwd") }}} {{{ mongo admin --host -u root -p mongopassword --eval 'rs.initiate({_id: "local_sandbox-MongoDB", members: [{_id: 0, host: ""},{_id: 1, host: ""},{_id: 2, host: ""}]})' }}} ... ---- CategoryLinux