OpenSSL easy-rsa ca and cert creation
Links: Linux/OpenSSL , security/ssl
201707 install with sudo apt install easy-rsa
- Note {{{ As you create certificates, keys, and
- certificate signing requests, understand that only .key files should be kept confidential.
- crt and .csr files can be sent over insecure channels such as plaintext email. }}}
- Steps - New CA - Delete all old keys.
~$ make-cadir rsaOpenVpn ~$ cd rsaOpenVpn ~/rsaOpenVpn$ gvim vars bash vars ./clean-all ./build-ca ls keys ## dont use ./build-dh use openvpn to gen 2x keys. ../keys$ openvpn --genkey --secret dh2048.pem
- Steps - New Cert
./pkitool --server myserver ./pkitool myclient