Replacing incandescent lighting with led
2019 House with 32 canister down lights with eddison 60w bulbs.
Reasons for replacement
- Power saving 8w vs 60w
- Seal ceiling to prevent bugs/spider's entering
- Seal ceiling to prevent airflow, and loss of heat.
- Using IC-F rated LED lights, allowed for insulation over the top of the lights.
- Gives the house a more modern look.
Power savings and payback period
- Bought led IC-F down lights retail, $48/4 = $12 per light.
2019, power cost $0.20/kwH, led saves ~50w, hours burn time for breakeven $12*1k/50*0.2 = 1,200hours
@4h per day usage, 1,200h => 1year
@4h per day usage, 10,000h => 7years
@4h per day usage, 20,000h => 13years
- 2019, estimate lifetime power saving per light, 15,000h * 50w/1k(kW) * $0.20 = $150.
- OD8QCW-110D-4PK, 110mm
- Bought 2019 Miter10
- Bigger 165mm faceplate NZ$8 !!