Node JS
- javascript, serverside, runs on V8-Google javascript engine.
Links BambooBuild
Node modules huge
- Investigate with
- sudo apt install npm
- sudo npm install npm -g
- sudo npm install -g @angular/cli
Setting up nodejs in build environment, CI
- Here we source .bash_profile, that sources nvm, as bash function.
Requires nvm installed and loaded by .bash_profile -> .bashrc
- Then we use nvm, to select the nodejs version, and then we install yarn
echo "# source .bash_profile to install nvm as bash function ..." source ~/.bash_profile # Exit on any shell error set -e echo "# nodejs_version=$(printenv | grep nodejs_version)" echo "# use nvm to switch to requested node.js version [${bamboo_nodejs_version}] ..." nvm use ${bamboo_nodejs_version} || nvm install ${bamboo_notejs_version} echo "# Using node: $(node --version)" echo "# Using npm: $(npm --version)" echo "PATH = $PATH" npm ls -g yarn || npm install -g yarn echo "# Using yarn: $(yarn --version)"
- build
echo "# source .bash_profile to install nvm as bash function ..." source ~/.bash_profile nvm use ${bamboo_nodejs_version} echo "# Using node: $(node --version)" echo "# Using npm: $(npm --version)" echo "PATH = $PATH" yarn install bin/pre-test-build ${bamboo.buildNumber} yarn build --configuration=prod