- Azure storage
- Storage account with public url
- Containers in storage account
- Blob (Binary Large OBj)
- Blob block 4TiB obj (Hot, Cold, Arch)
- Blob page 8TiB disk (Hot, Cold)
- Blob Append
- VM backup to Block blob Archive
Cost effective long term storage
- Problem: 2922 Azure Recovery Services does not support moving backups to archive tier (Azure limitation)
Goal: Move one copy from "Azure Recovery Services" to BlocBlob(Archive) 10x saving.
- Steps:
- Copy disks to .vhd images
- Upload to Azure Block blob(Archive)
- Delete Azure Recovery copies.
Fast in cloud VM disk move to blob
This also works if the blob is in a different tenanat, does depend on having the AccessKey to the blob
- Create container in Blob where we can upload data to.
Create Blob SAS
export AZURE_STORAGE_KEY="zC....3A==" export AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME="<account>". # + "" export AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER="us-remote-vms" az storage container create --name ${AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER} --account-name ${AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME} az storage container generate-sas --account-name ${AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME} --expiry 2024-04-10 --name ${AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER} --permissions dlrw --account-key "${AZURE_STORAGE_KEY}"
- Create a SAS token that has access to the new container that we can append to url's for upload authorization
- Stop VM and get Export url for each disk
- Use azcopy $SRC $DST , to upload the disk url to the blob url+sas