* PostreSql db managed by Azure.
- Authentication can use db users or Azure Entra ID's
export PGSERVER="test-psql" export PGHOST=${PGSERVER} export PGUSER=<user>@<org> export PGPORT=5432 export PGDATABASE=testdb # export PGPASSWORD="<Token>" export PGPASSWORD="$(az account get-access-token --tenant 123...789 --resource-type 'oss-rdbms' --query accessToken | jq -r '.')" psql /d
PSQL commands
- \l - list db's
- \du - list user roles
See Azure AD Roles in PG
postgres=> select * from pgaadauth_list_principals(false); rolname | principaltype | objectid | tenantid | ismfa | isadmin ----------------------+---------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+-------+--------- | user | f46..........495c | 7c7...59c | 0 | 1 (1 row)
- ismfa = Is Multi factor enforced for role, isadmin = Azure Ad Admin role, can create other Azure AD enabled roles
- principaltype = user, service(App'sManagedIdentities), group(Can contain users or service principals)
Object ID - Guid of User, Group or ServicePrincipal, use "Enterprise Applications" in portal to find Service Principal Object Id.
One PG Role -> Azure ID
- To connect VM with managed identity to PGSQL flex
- Create VM with managed identity e.g. myVMxyz
from admin psql in portal:
select * from pgaadauth_create_principal ('myVMxyz', false, false); select * from pgaadauth_list_principals(false);
az postres flexible-server firewall-rule create --resource-group "rg" --name "myVMxyz" --rule-name "allow-app" --start-ip-address "<vm_ip>" --end_ip-address "<vm_ip"
YouTube Azure AD auth, with VM example getting Password from local url -
Azure Impersonation / Delegated Auth
Get user token, then Delegated Auth, Use User+On-behalf token. see.
Azure PSQL Errors
During pg_restore to Azure PGSQL Flex
Error: "pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR: must be able to SET ROLE "netbox"
During pg_resore as role=azure_pg_admin
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR: must be owner of table dcim_moduletype Command was: ALTER TABLE public.dcim_moduletype OWNER TO netbox;
- Fix
- Try1
Login with psql -d postgres -u <EntraID>
=> SET ROLE azure_pg_admin; // later => RESET ROLE;
=> SET ROLE psqladmin; // ERROR: permission denied to set role "psqladmin"
- Try2
Login with psql -d postgres -u <EntraID>
=> DROP ROLE netbox; // ⛔️
- Try3
- Login with psql -U psqladmin -D postgres
=> DROP ROLE netbox; // ✅ DROP ROLE
- Worked!!!
Logout and log back in with <EntraID> $ psql -d postgres -u <EntraID>
=> SET ROLE netbox; // ⛔️ ERROR: permission denied to set role "netbox"
=> SET ROLE azure_pg_admin; // ✅ SET
=> SET ROLE netbox; // ⛔️ ERROR: permission denied to set role "netbox"
- Logout and log back in as "netbox"
=> \l // ✅ DB netbox Owner: netbox
- logout
- restore using pg_restore
- $ pg_restore -c -U netbox --dbname=netbox -v netbox_20250203_15h19+1300.psql.tar
- psql restore has error
ERROR: permission denied for schema public STATEMENT: CREATE COLLATION public.natural_sort (provider = icu, locale = 'und-u-kn');
AI suggests => ALTER USER netbox WITH SUPERUSER; // ⛔️ ERROR: permission denied to alter role DETAIL: Only roles with the SUPERUSER attribute may change the SUPERUSER attribute.
psql login -U <EntraId>
=> SET ROLE azuresu; // ⛔️ ERROR: permission denied to set role "azuresu"
- Try1