Cordova a.k.a. PhoneGap
- Cordova is a mobile develepment framework, builing a mobile app with web technologies (js + html + css) and then deploying to multiple platforms.
Notes on starting a Cordova project
Ubuntu/Linux, environment
npm - javascript environment node.js sudo apt-get install npm
cordova npm install -g cordova
Doing this as normal user gave some errors, created dir and gave user right. sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib/node_modules
- java environment
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy sudo apt-get install default-jre sudo apt-get install default-jdk
- android build environment. download from google android-sdk_r24.0.2-linux.tgz (134M)
- BIT VAGUE, needed to launch and download android versions 19/22 ???
- npm install -g ionic
- sudo chown -R pes.pes /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ionic
- sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.npm
New Project
- ionic start kyr2015 blank
- Output
Downloading: Downloading:
- ionic platform add android
- ionic --help
- ionic serve #Dev in browser
- Output